Murid-murid Cikgu Mira

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Don't Forget Allah swt

                                                                   You down and out

You just can’t come
You wanna shout 
you lost all hope
On your knees, begging please 
You turn and pray to find your way

Hey, you make doa Allah’s there 
Whoever you are, because he cares
Then you forget to say thank you Allah ,
You forget to say Insyallah 
You forget to say Subhanallah
Raise your hands 

Let’s flashback, let’s back drive
Towards a time like yours and mine 
The story of the three 
Who'll long to be 
To who be free of their misery

To the one floor he opens the door
Gave him empty of his bounty

Then you forget to say thank you Allah 
You forget to say InsyaAllah 
You forget to say SubhanaAllah
Raise your hands Alhamdulillah 

Can’t you see His promise to you 
Can’t you see His promise is true
Hold on to the rope of Allah
Don’t lose hope in Allah
If you remember Allah in prosperity
He’ll not forsake you in adversity
Be mindful of Allah 
He’ll guide you to all that His good

Then you forget, to say thank you Allah 
You forget to say InsyaAllah 
You forget to say SubhanaAllah
Raise your hands, Alhamdulillah 

Get down and out
You just can’t go 
you wanna shout 
you lost all hope
On your knees 
begging please
You turn and pray 
to find your way 

Falling in LOVE with this song. =)

Thanks for reading. Please come again and read my new entry. (^^,)